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Blog Announcement: Semi-Haitus!

Don't worry, I'm not vanishing anymore so than usual. These last few years have been hard on everyone. Normally, my response to difficult times was to retreat into my writing and that would help me gather the strength to face everything in my day-to-day life. In a sense, checking out of reality allowed the part of me that handled reality to rest so I could take on the rest of the world when I came back to the moment.  But that seems no longer successful in my life. Times are difficult all around and a lot of changes have happened in my personal life that I'm still trying to navigate. Mental illness and emotional exhaustion have finally taken my feet out from under me, and no amount of writing has been able to cushion that.  I have been giving a lot of thought to my writing and my stories, and I have come to the conclusion that I do not want to taint the love I have for writing by allowing the outside world to influence it as it has been over these last few years. A part of

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